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Level Funktion Macht Kosten Nahrung Kosten Steine Kosten Holz Kosten Erz Voraussetzung Zeit ohne Boni
1 Alerts you to incoming armies! Reveals mission and objective of enemy Armies approaching your Turf or Camps. 15
2 30 412 412 330 495 Kasserne: Lv.2 00:02:30
3 45 618 618 495 742 Kasserne: Lv.3 00:05:00
4 Reveals the player name and coordinates of enemy Armies approaching your Turf or Camps. 63 928 928 742 1,113 Kasserne: Lv. 4 00:10:00
5 88 1,392 1,392 1,113 1,670 Kasserne: Lv. 5 00:20:00
6 123 2,088 2,088 1,670 2,505 Kasserne: Lv.6 00:40:00
7 Reveals remaining travel time of enemy Armies approaching your Turf or Camps. 173 3,132 3,132 2,505 3,758 Kasserne: Lv.7 01:20:00
8 242 4,698 4,698 3,758 5,638 Kasserne: Lv.8 02:40:00
9 339 7,047 7,047 5,638 8,457 Kasserne: L.9 04:48:00
10 Reveals the Guild of enemy Armies approaching your Turf or Camps. 474 10,571 10,571 8,457 12,686 Kasserne: Lv.10 07:40:48
11 664 15,857 15,857 12,686 19,029 Kasserne: Lv.11 09:59:03
12 930 23,786 23,786 19,029 28,544 Kasserne 12 11:28:54
13 Reveals the estimated size of enemy Armies approaching your Turf or Camps and the number of Heroes in them. 1,302 35,680 35,680 28,544 42,816 Kasserne 13 13:12:14
14 1,822 53,520 53,520 42,816 64,224 Kasserne: lvl 14 15:11:04
15 Indicates if an approaching enemy Army is led by the Leader and reveals its composition. 2,551 80,280 80,280 64,224 96,336 Kasserne 15 17:27:44
16 3,572 120,420 120,420 96,336 144,504 Kasserne: Lv. 16 20:04:54
17 Reveals the estimated size of each squad and soldier class of enemy armies approaching your turf, camps or garrisoned troops. 5,000 180,631 180,631 144,504 216,757 Kasserne 17 23:05:37
18 7,001 270,946 270,946 216,757 325,136 Kasserne: Lv.18 1d 02:33:28
19 Reveals the Hero lineup of enemy Armies approaching your Turf or Camps. 9,801 406,420 406,420 325,136 487,704 Kasserne: Lv.19 1d 06:32:29
20 13,721 609,630 609,630 487,704 731,556 Kasserne: Lv.20 1d 11:07:21
21 Reveals the actual size of each squad for enemy armies approaching your turf, camps or garrisoned troops. 19,209 914,445 914,445 731,556 1,097,334 Kasserne: Lv. 21 1d 21:39:34
22 26,894 1,371,668 1,371,668 1,097,334 1,646,002 Kasserne: Lv. 22 3d 1h 3m
23 Reveals the Rank and Grade of Heroes in enemy Armies Approaching your Turf or Camps. 37,651 2,057,502 2,057,502 1,646,002 2,469,003 Kasserne: Lv. 23 5d 11:29:55
24 52,711 3,086,253 3,086,253 2,469,003 3,703,504 Kasserne: Lv. 24 9d 20:41:51
25 Unlocks [Fortify] button! Quickly bolster your defenses for an impeding Siege Battle and lower your enemies' power! 89,608 6,172,507 6,172,507 4,938,006 7,407,009 Kasserne: Lv.25
Gold Hammer:1
34d 12:26:28
